Monday, May 18, 2009

One week down...

So, I have officially ended my first week in Paris. As an American in Paris (or Ex-Pats as they call them here), I can say that I have survived... barely. Americans in Paris, I have found, come in two different breeds. Firstly, the experienced I-blend-in-so-well-no-one-knows-I-am-American and the Ranch dressing Loving I-can't-believe-these-people-don't-speak-English. I fall somewhere in the middle. While I have been to France several times, I still speak no French and I DO know that these people do speak English (poorly maybe) but they do speak it. They choose not too. And who can blame them? It is a little arrogant for Americans to come to France and expect the French to speak English with us. The Mexicans do not come to the US and expect the Americans to speak Spanish I really do need to pick it up quickly since I went to buy a croissant and I pronounced it "cwasan" and she had no clue what I was saying though it was a boullangerie (sp?) Ahhh, it will all come together, won't it????